Every Weekend

Well, I’ve been going out into nature (nearly) every weekend since I’ve arrived.

Each weekend so far:
Mt. John/Cook/Ollivier/Rob Roy
Catlins Again
Green Lake, Fijordlands

Of course, this means my time during the week has been split between being inhumanly lazy (I think of it as recovering), walking to places, procrastinating on things, and franticly panicking to finish assignments. So, not to make excuses but…

That’s my excuse.

I have a couple drafts of posts I haven’t finished yet sitting around. Until I get to those, I’ll be focusing on my next essay I need to finish by Friday. Good new is, I think I might be staying home this weekend, so I might be able to catch up on some things. The study abroad life is a constant tug of war between classes and making the most of being in New Zealand.

Not to worry; between the 100% I got on my last essay and the 9-hour hike to Mt. Burns I did last weekend, I’d say I’ve kept my balance. For you Chapman folk, I’d say I’m doing a pretty good job (as of now) building the Four Pillars: Intellectual, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

I think I’ll write my next post about that…

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